Monday, February 12, 2007

It's snowing...

Miles in a solemn state.

Suppose to get several inches of snow. Hope it doesn't get too bad.
Today was the Silent Auction at work. I helped watch the area and take money. I got some pretty good bargains: a comforter set for $4.50 and a Nintendo set with 4 games. I also got an umbrella, watch, a couple of counted cross stitch items and a couple of other things that I don't remember. I'm really excited about the comforter set and Nintendo. Now, hopefully, the boys will enjoy it and one can play it while the other plays computer games. Of course, I do remember playing Mario games when we first got a Nintendo when Juli was small. I really got into that game. Hmmmm.... this may not be such a good thing.
Saturday night Shirley and I went to Brick Oven. I owed her from Christmastime. When we were there in December we got a sealed envelope with a discount coupon that could only be opened when we went again. Our's was a free dessert. Boy was it a doozie!! Normal cost was $9.99 but of course we got it free. It's a good thing we had to divide it 'cause it was way too much for one person (even me). I forget the name of it but the chocolate part was like a gift bag, about 6"x4"x2"... all made out of chocolate. Then the filling was some sort of white chocolate and whipped cream. There were several different kinds of berries on top. Ummmm. They gave us another sealed envelope to be used during March.... wonder if it's a free dessert again?
Time to hit the sack to read or work a crossword for awhile. Maybe it will snow so much tonight we won't have to go to work. Yea, right!

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Midwest, United States
Mom of 2, Grandma of 5, easy-going, great sense of humor

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